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Howdy howdy I'm Jackal/Vyn! I'm mainly a furry digital artist, but I love messing around with a variety of creative mediums.


Aug/27th/2024: My love for Piano and traditional music/media




Added 2 new NSFW pieces to "My Art" page.


Added a bunch new/archived SFW/NSFW art to "My Art" page. As well as a new photo in "My Photos" page.


Added "I'd Rather be Me With You" (My Interpretation) music sheet to "Free Stuff" page. Add a sketch to "My Art" page. Slight homepage layout adjustments, including a "Recent Art" slideshow to homepage.


New art in "OC" section of "My Art" page. (Suggestive)


New art in "OC" section of "My Art" page.


Added various art to art "My Art" page. As well as made new "My Photos" page.


Added new art to (OC's)(Fandom) in "My Art."


Added IndyFurCon24 to "Cosplay" section! Also added to the Sketches and OC's section in "My Art."


Added Kevo's Kloset dress up game to homepage! Have fun!


Homepage layout updated with new logo!


Homepage layout updates.


Homepage layout updates. Minecraft, audio, cool videos, and Listening To embeds are now grouped into buttons under "More Stuff!" on homepage.


Added 3ds/Streetpass section to homepage. (Removed)


Added Hatsune Miku 3DS Family Theme to "Free Stuff". Also updated "Listening to" section on homepage.


Added "Cosplay" section. Displays attended and planned events along with gallery.


Updated home page layout. Added 3 new pieces to art gallery.


Added 2 new reviews to the Literature section of my page!


Added literature section to replace my previous Wattpad page, now includes my library! Also added Free Stuff page to replace my existing KoFi page. So that's 2 less things to deal with! Self hosting for the win! Also updated songs in Listening To section. Final thing I promise! Added links to my scrapbook too so I don't need them in JACKALWEB.


Updated MUSIC section to "Listening To", add my Youtube link to the nav section, along with my audio now having a playlist on the homepage as well!


My blog and site updates now fit within scrollable containers! Meaning I can fit more/all my blogs on my site, so no need for a third party site for that! The journey to having all my stuff in one place is going great! Also general layout changes like fonts n stuff.


Completely updated OC page with new aesthetic and images. Basically now hosted on my own site instead of ko-fi!


Kevo's Kloset

Dress up game I made for fun! Ver. 2 (8/3/24)




(¬_¬;) Concerned about cold temps.





My love for Piano and traditional music/media August 27th, 2024

I've recently returned to playing piano about 2 weeks from the writing of this. I played for some months about 8 years ago. Then lost interest as I was forced to take piano lessons as a teenager. However piano and traditional music was still something I really enjoyed alongside the electronic ones. Many of my traditional tastes included piano solo pieces, or with some piano/saxophone (another favorite of mine). However piano specifically called to me as it makes me feel the most emotion out of any traditional instrument. I had this sudden re-interest in learning piano randomly weeks ago, and so the next Monday I went to guitar center, got a new stand, some learning books, printed some music sheets, and picked up my keyboard from my parents house.

I've been practicing since then and my progress is very satisfactory and fulfilling. I dream of perhaps being a piano instructor for children and teens; to find another piano player and play together or another musician at my level once I get better; or perform for a crowd or small audience, anyone really. I attend traditional performances when I can for inspiration. I'm actually planning after work today to go to a music shop and purchase some CD's. Which goes into my next point.

TRADITIONAL MEDIA. More specifically cassettes and CD's. Love physical media. I'm not sure if I talked about my fixation on cassettes and Walkman's before but I had a period where I was obsessed with them. I went thrifting for a cassette player for the house and some Hall and Oats tapes. I even got a Walkman for my birthday from my bestie! She's awesome. Now it's CD's at the moment, I completely was blind to the fact my car had a CD player. I mean I see it everyday, but like I use Bluetooth. Only now I'm like "Oh yeah I can find new music at a store." Which is what I did with cassettes. Exciting!

Graduated college & continued learning May 23rd, 2024

I just recently graduated with an associates degree at my community college. I don't feel any specific kind of excitement. I can confidently say "I did it. Woopee." not in a depressing way, but not excited either. It wasn't a grand achievement in my mind, although I am proud of my work to myself in reservation. I didn't go showcasing it apart from my closest friends and love. It's just a passing step in my life. I have something incase I need a new job/career in the future, that's all it was to me, and that's all it is to me now.

So what now? What's the big goal. Well I don't really have one, I can never really set major checkpoint goals for myself. At most it's short term, like what I wanna do tomorrow, at most next month... nothing major really. It felt unnerving, realizing that was life. Just do things without a major goal. I didn't like it. I don't like it now, well also kind of. I switch my perspectives often after some self reflection. I know one thing though and that's that I need to do SOMETHING. I do like learning, but I don't want to go back to college for another 2 years, or for any big goal. I'd just go back to learn stuff, nothing more. However that costs money, and I don't like getting assigned work... so what do I do? Well I figured something out!

Self learning online!!! And educating games. I signed up for LinkedIn Learning with my library card for free courses, along with some courses in math, grammar, and coding in Khan Academy also for free! So I can work at my own pace. On my 2ds I play Brain Age:Concentration Training for some added edutainment. I love learning stuff! So alongside my usual hobbies and impulse learning within random subjects and software like I already do. This provides some more "established/consistent" work I can do over time. With actual progress checks! Again I love learning when I do it myself. Math is actually kind of fun when you ain't got a teacher telling you what to do. Who knew? Anyways that's it.

C2E2 2024 Wrap up notes April 30th, 2024

Cosplaying for the first time was a lot of fun, especially doing a couples cosplay! I've fursuited before obviously but being a character I liked was special, especially a furry like Legoshi with Haru! It was fun acting out as him, I tried to sound like him, and walk like him, yknow roleplay as him as I walked around the con floor. As well as doing some of the poses like his cover pose where he leans back. I want to cosplay Hatsune Miku next for sure, she's one of my favs :3 Umm yeah cosplaying is awesome and another thing to add onto my enormous list of hobbies and things I've tried in life.

Extra memory: I remember practicing my Legoshi voice at Joanns fabric, it was kind of cringy but a lot of fun. Same with walking around the hotel floor before contime, trying to mimic his walk and hands. The SU Connie thing followed the same story basically. It was fun roleplaying as connie with my special person as Steven around the hotel, confloor, and chinatown in Chicago!

I finished watching Steven Universe! March 8th, 2024

I recently watched Steven Universe, or specifically finished the series. I had previously only seen some episodes years ago when it initially released, but just never completed it for some reason. Anyways, binge watched it with my special someone and it was a wonderful experience. I physically recoiled and reacted and yelped at certain scenes that dealt with emotional situations that I myself experienced. That's the immediate praise I want to give this show, the emotional scenes that I can relate to hit... they hit HARD. I'm not going to go deep into it since I don't think I should vent that hard on my blog, but scenes involving Connie and her mom, Ruby in the pool at the motel, Sadie with her mom at the event where she initially was going to perform her pop song. I can't remember other specific moments off the top of my head but I did have at least 6 solid physical reactions to emotional scenes.

The plot itself was very well written, character development, and the dialogue was very mature when it came to emotional scenes. Again, this show writes emotions very well, and I love the love in this show. All the relationships are beautiful, biggest example being Garnet of course. Fusion itself also being a main thing, ughhhhhhhhhh (good groan) yeah this show does love well, in fact I'd say one of the only shows I think that writes different kinds of love perfectly/near perfectly.

As for the art style I'll focus on the background art first because gahdayum the backgrounds, sets, architecture, environments, anything and everything not character related was drawn beautifully. So many opportunities for wallpapers! Lot's of beautiful gradients, vector shapes, and excellent terrain. All I need.

As for character's themselves. All well designed, but my personal favorites are Garnet, Peridot, Steven, and Sadie... which is most of the main characters. Love em tho! Garnet's voice is amazing along with their backstory. Peridot, well, she just like me frfr. Steven of course being the main character has a lot of development as he matured. Sadie reminds me a lot of my best friend. Yeaurppp that's pretty much it. If you wanted a deep analysis of the entire show this blog is not for that XD, go read the wiki. Really great show, highly recommend it. OH and also the soundtrack (instrumentals and main songs) are absolutely fantastic. I have a bunch of them in my Spotify playlists and likes. Speaking of which I have to organize my Spotify again... argh.

Joy of TTRPG's and RPG's in general January 20th, 2024

So I've always enjoyed RPG's since... well ever. Especially with my passion for Dark Souls since 2017. I never really got into physical TTRPG's even like DnD. I love the idea of DnD and the possibility it brings, but I could never find myself actually sitting down consistently for sessions. It's too large of a commitment, and other TTRPG's didn't interest me.

So lucky for me when months ago I decided to create a physical replica and homebrew version of Inscryption

(Seen above)

I have tried multiple sessions of it, creating a new adventure every time! Since then I've grown ever more fond of TTRPG's and the unique joy that only they can bring. I grew fond of roleplaying as the antagonist, or story teller, or mix of both. It's a lot of fun! I've introduced ideas from DnD like decision making and communication events into Inscryption that you otherwise wouldn't get from the digital copy.

Anyways now I recently purchased Baldurs Gate III and I have been LOVING it! So much to do, to say, so many things to interact with. It's the closest to a TTRPG experience I could get in digital format!

Urmm yeah that's all I gotta say. Fantasy and medieval stuff rocks :D

Gender Identity Struggles Part 3 - "Sir" January 9th, 2024

So further continuing with how I feel about being identified in different ways. Today I went to a gas station to pick up some things for my best friend. While in there I was wearing my Axolotyl beanie my friend got me for chrimas. My earrings, round glasses, and unisex clothing leaning towards a slightly more fem look, not a lot but I clearly was not attempting to look masculine in any way.

I go up to the worker and they say "How is your day sir." And my immediate thoughts after were "Whoa okay haha buddy alright you can call me sir once." Then after I say my days good Sir." And that hit me. I don't know how to explain my specific disturbance. It was the flood of a weird feeling. I thought to myself that I'm not presenting as a woman so I can't tell them to referr to me as not sir, nor nonbinary because I doubt they would even know what I was talking about. I also began to think if it even was worth informing them I didn't want to be called sir as it was just a quick interraction that I wouldn't have again with them. I know they're doing it out of respect, since they're obviously under the assumption that I am a man. So they refer to me as such.

However I still didn't like it. I just had to accept it in the moment. I was called sir 6 times throughout that interaction. Now I'm not traumatized or anything, I'm fine mostly. They didn't do anything wrong. Again I just felt... like I wish everyone just knew what I preferred or felt like. But I know the world doesn't work like that, I just wish it did.

The worst part is I don't know what I would have preferred more. For them to refer to me as nothing, no mentions of masc pronouns, or preference for fem pronouns, or simply would just prefer to have me referenced as "you". "You have a good day." "Would you like a bag." "How was your day?" No sir. No sir. I am not a sir...

Every day more and more I wish I was born a woman. Not to become one, but to have just been one. I wish I lived in the beauty of a woman's world. There's a certain love that women have and show to each other, it's something I am slowly over months getting to be more and more part of. It is beautiful, such a beauty of empathy I've never been able to experience before. I could never go back to a man's world, It's not the same. I don't feel like myself. But again I also am not ready to jump into such a confusing world of seeing myself as a woman who always was. So I stick to a general nonbinary title, as it best suits me. I'm not a man, but I don't mind he/him. I'm not a woman, although I would love to be seen as she/her without a question... unfortunately some people will only respect you unless you "pass". I fit best somewhere in the middle. But even then I want to be somewhere else. This world is very judgemental. I'll hang safely within the comfort of my friends. Not even my own brain can make me feel safe.

Gender Identity Struggles Part 2 December 27th, 2023

So this is just a follow up of my previous post. Currently listening to Ww by Other Nothing, I really enjoy listening to a certain genre of ambient music that resembles Silent Hill's atmosphere as it perfectly... or near perfectly helps me express how I feel. It's a certain empty emotion I cannot express in words, so I let music do the talking.

Anyways back on topic. I've felt better having He/They/She as my pronouns. As I stated previously I don't really like seeing myself as a "man" despite me being indifferent to Him/Masc expressions. Although that has changed recently. I've stated previously that I don't really see myself as a woman, nor do I think I ever truly could be one. As I feel like a fraud if I were to transition (A whole nother can of personal worms that I'm not gonna talk about), and also I'm not ready for such a drastic change, whether physical or simply in the way I choose to identify. However a recent experience has led me to some more self discovery.

I went roller skating with my best friend who is a cis woman. And she let me borrow some of her clothes, a skirt, a vest, and some fishnets. The rest was from my own wardrobe. I felt... myself in them. It was refreshing to finally be able to dress the way I wanted to.

I don't want to be referred to as a femboy, nor as crossdressing. I hate that, for myself. Femboy is an objectifying term to me, and I don't want to be seen that way. Crossdressing I am a man who's supposed to be dressed in men's clothes, but I am pretending to be a woman in women's clothing. It's an awful term and makes me feel off, I don't like it. Again because I don't want to be seen as man.

When I am wearing more feminine clothing, that is it. I am simply wearing more feminine clothing. I am not a man, I am not a woman, I am simply wearing clothes.

However further gender confusion proceeds. As during the entire night, and when I got home, I felt like a real woman. I was holding my best friends hand most of the time since they had some difficulty keeping their balance, and throughout every moment I held her hand I understood.

I would tease the girls at school when I was a kid with my old friend. We'd call them lesbians because they held hands and thought it was weird. But now I get it, the support women have for eachother is something I never understood nor even had an oppurtinity to understand when I was younger, until now. I've always chosen to play as female characters in my games, since I was a kid in Black Ops 2 zombies as Misty. And my nicest friends through highschool to now were all women. There's a special type of friendship that I've only experience with queer afab/nonbinary people. It's something special and beautiful to me. I know part of it is the struggles we've faced due to bullying for our identity. And again I am partly of fault of that as a child, I teased others for the reasons that I would also be later on. But it never ends.

At that night when I was dressed more fem with my friend. I was bullied, I was called slurs, and had my drink thrown away by someone when I wasn't looking. However I wasn't upset, because I was so over ecstatic and at peace with the fact that I felt like a real woman for that night, I felt the beauty of a woman to woman friendship that I was so lucky to have. It's something I could have never thought to ask for, but I have it.

I feel my truest self in feminine/unisex clothing. It's unfortunate I live in a world where I am hated for simply trying live as myself. However the few people in my life that accept me, are beyond anything I could ever have dreamed of.

I've considered switching my pronouns around from he/they/she to they/she/he. Again I don't mind masc pronouns and expressions, however I won't deny I prefer more fem slang and expressions. Life is an interesting thing, I am almost 22... that's okay.

Gender Identity Issues + Silent Hill 2 Soundtrack December 4th, 2023

I'm listening to the SH2 soundtrack as I type this. I have a fondness for it as many of the tracks perfectly sound how I feel at times of confusion as I fight my own thoughts. As in times where I know a certain emotion I'm feeling is wrong, or unnecessary, and I realize it's dumb, but my body tries its hardest to make me feel that way no matter how hard I understand I do

View Ko-Fi Blog Archives

My Works


Vyn, an anthro jackal rogue, finds themselves desperate to live an easier life as an artist. Envious of the town's renowned art graduate Yemi, Vyn conducts a plan to obtain their profitable success; Selling words is easier than art. - Status: Published and completed. Fantasy, D&D fanfiction/universe.

The Sound of Failure

Koda finds themselves trapped in an old cabin with a seemingly blood hungry man of the forest eager for a game. Cards are drawn, blood is shed, and Koda has to escape before they make a bad play. Who is this man, where are they, and why is this card talking perfect english? - Status: Published but unfinished. Inscryption fanfic./p>

All my written work that I have published is available for free in PDF, and EPUB. Enjoy!
Google Drive here

My Reviews

The Stranger

The Stranger is an excellent book, the main character shares a portion of his life. I'm not sure exactly how to word this review so I'll share what I liked. I understand the character, his actions, why he does the things he does, more-so, the things he just goes with the decisions others choose. Not because he doesn't have opinions, he does, he expresses what he feels. They're not strong enough or worth it to him to act upon those decisions. His life is more so moved by the actions of others. Whether those are fine, or immoral, or just criminal. They're not his actions, more of his body. How else do I say it?

He's very indifferent at times. He shows his emotions in other ways. He's not strongly moved emotionally by things other's might perceive as the right reaction. Like the death of a close family member. A romantic interest that is more one sided, but he still appreciates her. Acquainted with certain people that he shouldn't be but simply is because that's the people the world put next to him. I somewhat relate to his lack of emotional expressiveness, behaviors (not actions), and motions through life. He's not happy, at first I thought it was going to be a story about "Oh, he's just depressed" or something bland. However no, he's more so just... fine, with the way things are, but also not. Conformed?

He's not a good person. I believe even the actions you don't take are actions at times. I don't want to portray the protagonist as a good person. He's not a monster in my eyes either. I simply understand his emotions and thoughts. That's what I liked about this book. I understood him. I was less interested in the world around him, and more just interested in him. That's what I favored. There's my review. 5/5✶

MAGE and The Endless Unknown

MAGE is reallyyyyy gooood! Amazing art, cute little characters and big ol freaks of nature. Body horror done very well. Magic, landscapes, grrrrauurhrhruhhrhrhghghh also itched my Dark Souls spot with the life cycle aspect. Little episodic parts share the story of MAGE tasked with travering an old fantasy world, whether the creature that tasked them with this is good or not is up to you. I find it cruel, but hey what god isn't? Again the cycle aspect like Dark Souls has.

It's also a very quick "read", bonus points if you create the foley in your head and animations. Literally read it now!!! It's free too (I read the physical version that I got from the library but the creator put it up online) 5/5✶

Gender Queer

Gender Queer is a very beautifully written memoir of the author's struggle with eir assigned gender, and finding eir identity. I love it very much! A lot of the issues and confusion I connected with, however of course on my side it was with being assigned male at birth and Maia's being female. Of course like every person, I did not go through the exact issues, but a lot of internal and external conflicts were shared. More specifically clothing, our assigned gonads, whether the other sex felt more like us, but not really since being in the middle felt more at home. Again, this book spoke to me from the cover alone when I saw it at the library, and reading the first few pages I knew I had to pick it up. I do not regret it a single bit, I loved every word and drawing, and every experience and struggled shared and not shared. I understood, and so did E.

I recommend this if you struggle or are confused about your feelings with your identity and/or body. If you don't, well I still recommend it as a way to see the way someone else may struggle with life and find peace through it as well. It's beautiful. 5/5✶

Unicorn Boy

There’s not an awful lot to say about this. Not in a bad way but more so in regards to the substantial content. It is a harmless fun adventure about a boy who gets powers from their horn, and wishes to be normal but must use their powers for good. I’m sure you’ve seen media with a similar premise.

The humor is mildly entertaining, the art style is good, the writing is also just good. It was a pleasure to read but again that’s all there really is to say. I do appreciate the nonbinary representation, that was nice. The Cat Angel thing was cute too, really liked that design choice. I probably won’t seek out further content from this author/artist, but I can recommend it as an easy read. 3/5✶

D&D Dungeon Club ROLL CALL

As mentioned in some of my blog posts and reviews I’ve recently gotten back into reading and writing. I’m actually currently finishing writing my own D&D related fiction about the backstory of my character.

Anyways the books that I have been getting back into are purely text novels. Which I am fine with, but I completely forgot that graphic novels existed. I still knew of manga, and was considering picking up a manga series, but when I went to Barnes & Noble and into the kids/youth section I was amazed. I haven’t been into the youth section in YEARS, and I was shocked to see how much more there was to read in there. What immediately caught my eyes was this book. Again, I’m a huge medieval fantasy nerd and have been interested in D&D (Yet I’ve never played, apart from Baldur's Gate III). Anyways I saw the D&D logo in the youth section and my immediate thought was “No way.” because usually these games entail violence, mature themes, and well I guess at minimum I’d expect D&D media would be in the young adult/teen section. So I ran up and yuppers there it was. Anyways I got it.

Actual Review time! The art style is excellent, I love the fantasy and regular character designs. The fashion and clothes are drawn very well and I appreciate every fit. The background art is very clear and simple, not in a bad way of course. The artist does a great job of getting the environment across with only the basic details, and the colors are so soft. I will say some of the backgrounds obviously have more detail and that is done so well too! Actually all the backgrounds are so good, I just sifted through the pages again, love em! The D&D portions are so good too, love the stat sheets that are shown whenever a new character is introduced. And I enjoyed the little plot twist to it and quest throughout. Obviously I will not go into specifics so you can go and read it, but yes the D&D parts are GREAT.

As for the IRL sections, it is also a good story! A great cast of characters and I almost teared up at one of the end points where two of the characters make up after a fight. The conflicts are realistic with middle schoolers, a little oomphed of course for the sake of literature but I promise this story moves along great. Yearp! Gonna get back into reading more graphic novels, and I believe there is a sequel to this so Imma read that too! GO READ IT! 5/5✶

Captive Prince

Captive Prince was definitely an interesting return to literature after not having read any books for 4+ years. Not just because the topics involved, but also the complexities of its story plots, characters, actions, and wording. I admit I'm not the smartest, nor will I ever try to act it, as any attempt to fake it will reveal itself with any word that has more than four syllables. C.S. Pacat definetely had pulled up, the amount of complex words I had to double take and look up was a little irritating, as it took me out of the book and forced my imagination to stop, and to turn it into a quick homework assignment, or risk losing vital information that the author wanted me to know. That's just a personal thing though, it doesn't take any value from the book itself. It's just annoying for me to deal with.

Anyways what I thought of the plot and characters. Most of the names were hard to memorize up until the middle/end of the book. The only names I could remember quickly were the introductory characters who were referenced again and again, those being The Regent, Damon, Laurent, Nikeaos, Ancel, Torvil. As for locations the amount of times I forgot how to properly pronounce the names of any cities that wasn't Achillos, such as Laurent's home town of Vier (Viera?). It probably doesn't help that this book was read to me rather than I myself reading it. That's not the fault of the reader however, it's just my brain and the way it processes things and anytime something sounded "off" my brain would freeze for a second, causing words to crash like a line of kids pushing each other rushing to go to recess. Again not a fault of the reader, just my lack of literacy skills and my brain being the way it is.

It's always hard dealing with names in fiction or the real world, it's super difficult for me to remember the names of new people. Once you introduce fantasy elements and names you'd normally never hear, it's a recipe for forgetting. Which did slightly taint my experience since it drew away focus I could have spent imagining the scenarios in my head, and instead playing a game of catch up. Being like okay X did Y in the last part, and having to replay everything up to that point like a recap episode. All the while it's being read to me, again my brain clearly has difficulties processing things. I wish it didn't because I really wish I could have loved this more than I did enjoy it, I might have to re-read it.

THE PLOT! Very... very interesting. If it wasn't for my friend reading this to me I would have quit, not because it's poorly written. In fact the complete opposite, every word in this book is essential and provided me what I needed to create a full movie in my head, and that was wonderful! I'm more so talking about the heavy topics, specifically some form of implied rape. With the protagonist Damon being traded as a slave in exchange for peace between his homeland and where he is imprisoned. He is quickly within the first chapters thrown into what I call a "Rape Battle" where by the societal standards of the land he must fight his enemy and "take him" or risk himself being "taken." You can see why most, including myself would immediately be offput and might just label this as some weird fetish fiction.

However, art is meant to provide comfort and discomfort based upon the artist's vision. I can't call something not art because I don't like it's themes. I wanted to finish it and then judge based on the entire work, rather than a small portion of it. Depending on the media of course my patience may vary.

Continuing on, this event is only part of the extreme moral grey line this society does. The author does a great job of describing the depravities of this civilization, while not glorifying it. The intent is to dislike this society the protagonist finds themselves slaved in. It is a very brutal way to incline the reader into the "The good guy has to find a way out" kind of thing you find in a lot of media. It's far more unique in this book however compared to other media. Even in SAW series where the outcome of every situation is a horribly grusome bloody death, I didn't feel as inclined to root for the characters. Not because I hated them, but because I didn't feel for them as much, due to the writing. C.S. Pacat does a great job of not directly telling you to hate, or root for the bad guy, but obviously heavily pushes you with how these events occur.

Again I will say the writing is effective, and the character dynamics work great. As I progressed through the chapters I was interested in how they would next interact based upon what I had knowledge of as a reader, and what the character knew based on their in story situation. It was fun guessing what would occur. I was always trying to figure out how the protagonist would get themselves out of their seemingly hopeless situation. Every character in this book is capable and intelligent, so you can never hope on a mistake to carry the plot forward, and I enjoyed that. Everything here is planned, and thought out by someone.

My only complaint would be the garden scene. I understand its purpose in regards to further enforcing the hopelessness of characters. And who's bad for doing X, and why this society is bad, and the protagonist has to escape. Which the rest of the book does perfectly without what happens in the garden. Again, just like the battle from the beginning of the book I felt like this could have been written any other way.

I do recommend this book, but it is absolutely not for everyone. I myself question the author. I think I'll stick to young adult titles. However, Dark Rise (from the same author) so far seems to be more to my taste, so expect a review on that when I finish it. 4/5✶

Lore Olympus Volume One

I always enjoyed reading graphic novels as a kid. Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Captain Underpants, Re-Zero Manga. It was more up my alley since reading text-only books was awful for my miserable attention span. Anyways my friend recommended I read this, and I accepted as it was a graphic novel, and as I am getting back into reading again this seemed perfect!

Lore Olympus is a romance story between Hades and Persephone, accompanied by other Greek gods, all shown seemingly as young adults in a modern life with the Greek fantasy twists. I did enjoy that, it is a very easy read, and does delve into some heavier topics such as morally grey consent, but it's not pushed upon heavily until later, nor is it very intensely descriptive, I don't want it to seem like this takes up a huge chunk of the story. I don't find it tasteless myself, these topics always push me off a bit however due to personal reasons. Again, art can provide comfort and discomfort based upon the creators intentions, so I always try to keep an open mind.

The art style is beautiful, with it being made to look like water colors, the characters being very distinguishable by their colors is nice for myself, as I struggle to remember names. The backgrounds are gorgeous, with many appearing to be wet canvases splattered purposefully with paint. I don't know how else to describe it but the art style alone in this is beautiful. I'm a huge fan of gradients and oh boy does this book's art style have them in abundance.

As for the writing/story itself I found myself comparing it to some kind of slice of life episodic story about Persephone finding a romance with Hades after she finds herself in a very unfortunate situation, planted in his car to seem as he kidnapped her. Interesting plot device for sure. Anyways drama grows between what her group and his, as her group only knows Hades as a dislikable awful person, and Hades' group figuring out why he would take interest in her. Not a very complex story, I'm also being vague to avoid spoilers. It was an easy casual read, and that's fine for me, however if this were to be translated to a text only book I don't think it would have held my attention. The art style definitely carried where the writing didn't. It's not that the writing is bad, it's cutesy, it's slice of life, again this was originally a webtoon converted to a physical release so I understand why the pacing is so rapid. I'm not sure if I'll continue reading this series, maybe another time. I'm not sure if I can recommend it too passionately myself. I did like the Greek themes and art, but if I was to read a slice of life drama romance novel, I might look somewhere else for something more to my tastes. 3/5✶


Furmeet 9/29/24
IFC 2024
C2E2 2024
IFC 2023
MFF 2023
IFC 2022
IFC 2021
FWA 2021

Furmeet 9/29/24

IndyFurCon 2024

Went with my partner and friendo! Me of course dressed as KevoJackal 1.0 until I get my new suit.
Full gallery on my instagram

C2E2 2024

Cosplayed Legoshi (Beastars), Connie (Steven Universe), planned to fursuit but it was too hot.
Full gallery on my instagram


You're gosh darn right! Basically just any resources I create that maybe you'd like. Whether it be art files, or other projects I'd like to share. Enjoy!
Google Drive here


.CSP Files?
CSP Files are intended to be used with Clip Studio Paint. However these files may translate to other drawing software such as Photoshop. If not, you may have to use a free third party conversion website to properly open it.
Can I reupload/post any of these?
The files themselves you may not. If you edit any of these drawings and post them, I ask you properly credit me @kevojackal and my website in the caption!

I'd Rather be Me With You (My Interpretation)
PDF music sheet for this song from Steven Universe. This is just my version of how the music sheet should look.

Hatsune Miku Theme for 3DS Family
Includes background theme "Noiseless Heart". Just drop into your "Themes" folder on your SD card!

TBH/Yippee/Autism Creature coloring page/CSP File!)
Have a free digital coloring page! Or print it out yourself!

CSP File Pack #1 (Patreon Archive)
A collection of my previously available CSP file packs that were on my now removed Patreon.

CSP Pack #2 (Questionable Pack)
8 CSP Project files for you to mess with. Content is suggestive (obviously).

All my written work that I have published is available for free in PDF, and EPUB. Enjoy!
Google Drive here


Vyn, an anthro jackal rogue, finds themselves desperate to live an easier life as an artist. Envious of the town's renowned art graduate Yemi, Vyn conducts a plan to obtain their profitable success; Selling words is easier than art. - Status: Published and completed. Fantasy, D&D fanfiction/universe.

The Sound of Failure

Koda finds themselves trapped in an old cabin with a seemingly blood hungry man of the forest eager for a game. Cards are drawn, blood is shed, and Koda has to escape before they make a bad play. Who is this man, where are they, and why is this card talking perfect english? - Status: Published but unfinished. Inscryption fanfic./p>



⚠ NSFW ⚠

Anything sexually explicit/fetish/18+
